Layer Slider

Slide backgroundLadybug
welcome to
content slider
Slide background
with timed layers            captions
Clown Fish
Clown Fish
Blue Sergeonfish
Blue Sergeonfish
Yellow Tang
Yellow Tang
Slide backgroundBokehTucanBrench
the famous
parallax effect
Slide background
optional auto-play
with auto-pause slideshow
easy to add full-sized or windowed videos
click to play
Slide background
you can now use long backgrounds on multiple slides...
Slide background create a spectacular panorama slideshow!
Slide background
...and much more!
use with any HTML content
built-in powerful API
supports all major browsers
SEO friendly
sample sliders included
free updates & support
LayerSlider on cellphoneLayerSlider on tabletLayerSlider on computer
Slide backgroundFishFishFishesFishesAbyss



demo slider

Slide backgroundCubeCubeCubeCubeCubeSay helloCubeCubeCubeCubeCube
Slide backgroundSpringAutumn LeafAutumn LeafAutumn LeafAutumn LeafAutumn LeafAutumn LeafAutumn LeafSpring LeafSpring LeafSpring LeafSpring LeafSpring LeafSpring LeafSpring Leaf

The improve


to change.

To be perfect


to change often.

- Winston Churchill

Slide backgroundTileTileTileTileTileTileTileTileTileTile

200+ 2D & 3D transitions with Transition Builder!

Use with any HTML content including embedded videos!

Responsive with Smart Resize & Touch-enabled!

Multisite, Multi-language & Localization ready!

Slide backgroundCloudsCloudsMask
Easy to embedFeaturesButterflyAcorn
Slide background
only $499
Sample price
Slide background
only $1299
Sample price
Slide background
only $199
Sample price

Content Slider Example

Hello, I'm text so I'm SEO friendly! Just try it: you can select me with your mouse :) Oh and I am also responsive!

LayerSlider's new smart-resizing feature is resizing also text sublayers as well as images and embedded videos! Nice, huh?

Content image


Of course you can use all the transitions and easings like on image sublayers. You can slide or fade the text, you can use delays and effects.

Content imageContent image

Third title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam cursus ultrices massa id posuere. Sed mattis mollis sodales. Aliquam tincidunt dui enim, ac dignissim tortor. Vivamus posuere leo in tellus aliquet malesuada. Cras nibh dui, luctus id venenatis quis, faucibus vel nunc.

Content image

Duis non lectus diam, a molestie mauris. Vestibulum accumsan tellus vel urna bibendum porta. Phasellus velit libero, dictum vel mattis ornare, condimentum vitae turpis. Donec consectetur magna nec eros ultricies eleifend. Nullam bibendum posuere ullamcorper. Nulla egestas.

[LayerSliderWP] Slider not found [LayerSliderWP] Slider not found